Dieting can be complicated, especially if you don’t know where you should start. Before you commit to a particular diet, including the HCG Diet, make sure you know the pros and cons. HCG Injections has been around for some time now and many people had been doing this diet. However, not everyone can lose weight successfully with it. To better understand what your HCG diet program is about, here is a breakdown of what you need to do.
- The plan requires you to consume at least 500 calories a day for the original protocol and 700 to 800 calories a day for modified protocols. This means that you should not eat less or more than the specified amount of calories.
- You must not eat fruits and vegetables not listed as allowed on the diet. Some dieters wonder if it is a big deal that healthy vegetables like green beans are not allowed on the HCG Diet. However, many say that eating green beans doesn’t seem to affect their weight loss rate. Some participants mixed vegetable ingredients, ate spice or condiments, and unfriendly HCG diet veggies, and still lose weight. However, they do not know how much can they lose if they had followed the diet perfectly.
- If you find some people lose weight while cheating, remember that it could only mean that they could have possibly lost more. They may also bypass the opportunity in resetting their metabolism to the fullest, risking their future weight maintenance capabilities.
- Avoid oil-based cosmetics, moisturizers, and other skincare products that are oil-based. Remember that everything you touch or you put on your face that is oil-based adds to your daily intake of calories when you have the HCG in your system. Use water-based skincare products if you need something to hydrate your skin. When absolutely necessary, you may use mineral oil or healing lotions.
- Having to go by the 500 calories a day can be daunting at first. You really are bound to feel starve until your body gets used to the restricted calorie intake. To avoid starving yourself during the second phase of the HCG diet, make sure that you follow the protocol. Watch out for sugar and fatty foods as they can sabotage your weight loss process. Another way to manage your hunger is to eat lesser food at closer intervals. Spread your meals throughout the day. This will reduce your urge to eat and still provide you with enough calories for the day.
- Spices and seasonings appear to be of lesser importance during the HCG diet, but they can actually make a difference. Be careful with seasonings and condiments because not all are HCG diet-friendly. Using the wrong spices and seasonings can stall your weight loss. Avoid readymade seasonings because they are high in salt and other preservatives. They also contain sugar and modified starch like garlic salt.
- Avoid canned fruits and vegetables. These foods can deprive you of the best results while you are on the HCG diet. The preservatives in these foods can negatively impact your weight loss efforts.