Dairy products promote weight loss. Unfortunately, myths about dairy sabotaging weight loss persist, but science proves these claims are untrue. While the use of dairy products is not permitted on the original protocol, except for a tablespoon of milk during the weight loss phase, some dieters include dairy and found it to be okay.
What you need to know about dairy
Losing weight can be difficult when you consume dairy products. Many dieters want to avoid it because of its fat content. A gram of fat provides nine calories, whereas carbohydrates and proteins provide four calories per gram. A high-fat dairy product has also long been thought of as a contributing factor to chronic diseases such as stroke, heart diseases, and cancer. While it’s true, the opposite happens when you consume low or non-fat dairy.
Low or non-fat dairy provides nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary for muscle growth. There is evidence that people with calcium deficiencies suffer from greater fat mass and may have a harder time controlling their appetite. Studies also show that when you try to lose weight through a calorie-controlled diet, consuming at least three servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese a day can help you lose weight and more body fat than people who consume fewer dairy foods. Furthermore, dairy sources of calcium, such as yogurt, milk, and low or non-fat cheese, seem to promote fat loss better than non-dairy sources.
Milk while on HCG injection
One of the most convenient ways to add extra calcium and protein into your diet is to add milk. While on HCG injection, you are allowed to use only a tablespoon of 2% milk either on your coffee, tea, or elsewhere.
If you walk past the milk displays at grocery stores, there are endless varieties of milk. Traditional dairy-based products include low fat, skim, lactose-free, whole, and flavored milk. There are also non-dairy milk alternatives like almond, rice, and soy which you can use as a substitute for milk so long as it does not contain high-fat content or sweeteners. You can also have other dairy alternatives like fat-free yogurt, and cottage cheese. What you choose depends on your caloric needs, food sensitivities, and personal preference.
Dairy alternatives
Whether you have lactose intolerance, are trying to reduce saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, or just don’t like the taste of milk, you can choose from rice, soy, coconut, or almond milk as non-dairy milk alternatives. The nutritional content of non-dairy milk varies, but it naturally contains more protein than dairy milk, and it is fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
Almond milk for weight loss
Milk alternative options are limitless. They are often made from plants, seeds, and nuts, like almonds. Almond milk is a popular dairy milk substitute that is a worthy addition to your fridge according to nutrition experts. Unlike dairy milk, almond milk is naturally low in protein. It has a single measly gram per glass compared with cow’s milk containing 8 grams of protein per glass.
Despite being low in protein, it’s low in calories, so you can drink a lot without gaining weight. Vegans and vegetarian HCG dieters will find almond milk a great alternative.